Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Local news

Hey hey, it's New Zealand music week!! Dunedin's Radio One has non-stop NZ music blasting all week and while it's too late for you to catch the fantastic Rise Of The City Cat Cult playing live-to-air on the R1 stream (they were on last night), there's a few other bands coming up each weeknight, so fanatics take note; and, if the material promoted by this site is particularly to your liking, then you might kind of definately want to tune into Spit In The Cracks, broadcasting each Sunday from 9pm to 11pm, NZ time (GMT+12), and hosted by UFM's very own Ryan Cockburn and Jim Currin. AND, we'll be jacking up a little ol' live-to-air of our own this week, featuring.... well, us, and Rory Storm and Eddie Stevens. Jamming!

In other news, there are no gigs in Dunedin this week!!! Hurray! Except for... Lee 'Scratch' Perry and The Mad Professor (??). Yeah, you bet I'm going; it's my birthday.

Now that there's only one solitary Sandoz Lab Technician left in Dunedin, I'm not sure that we can call them a DN band anymore; they're "International Improvisers" I guess. Well, internationally speaking, Sandoz played their first ever internationalist gigs in Sydney a week and a bit back, and all reports received by UFM shortwave dishes confirm that they blew away motherfuckers left right and centre. Allow me to quote from MYMWLY's M. Donnelly: "...seriously the most amazing band I have ever seen/heard.... I was not prepared for what they unleashed on Saturday night..... I feel compelled to write a book on the experience....." and believe me there's more. The Sydney shows also featured NZ likelies by the name of Birchville Cat Motel, 1/3 Octave Band, The Stumps, Nether Dawn and the lucky country's own 6Majik9 and the gigantic, huggable Castings, whose Sound No Sound collective set up the gigs, as they did also the Ray Off / Co.,Inc / Tarab shows earlier in the year. Love those boys! Legend has it that Antony Milton, Pseudoarcana Head Banana, has already sought the release of the above-mentioned Saturday night Sandoz gig.... geez, these guys moved to three different cities in two countries and have played together twice in three years, and NOW things are looking up for them??

Lastly, and excitingly, the first of our Mp3's are up, and they work! Two tracks from Donald McPherson's 'Liquified' LP - scroll down to the post titled About: UFM 001. Thanks to Donald for letting us post these - more to come very soon so keep checking back with us......

(in fact, here it is later today and TWO more have been added - roll on down and check the listings for both Ray Off albums. And enjoy!)

Sweet dreams,
...................... ('blog administrator')


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